Single neuron resolution following post-mortem dissection
The NYT on the project to dissect and analyze H.M.'s brain:
“We’re going to get the kind of resolution, all the way down to the level of single cells, that we have not had widely available before,” said Donna Simmons... The thin whole-brain slicing “will allow much better opportunities to study the connection between cells, the circuits themselves, which we have so much more to learn about.”... “Ideally, anyone with the technology could do the same with their own specimens."
Ho hum. What happened to the apparent controversy over the feasibility of this a few months ago? It seems that we will indeed soon have neuron by neuron maps. The question is, at which level do we achieve scale separation? Surely we will need to go lower than the level of the neuron to capture memories that are encoded via the strength of NMDA receptors. But how much further down?