Regarding #1: I spoke to one of the authors last week, and he thinks that the "dendrite from one cell tunneling through the soma of another cell" is probably an image segmentation or tracing bug, rather than a real phenomenon.

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Wow - beautiful data.

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Andy McKenzie

Another fascinating and encouraging collection of results with your thoughts. Thanks!

On #10: I haven't checked out the paper yet but I would not be surprised at a substantial short-term antidepressant effect from very hot or very cold (or both) showers. Apart from the cold and heat shock proteins which seem to be good for health, pulling one's attention away from depressive thoughts to thoughts that "holy fuck, that's hot/cold!" seems highly plausible. How long the effect would last is another issue. It could at least provide some freeing of the mind to reset thinking patterns.

On #17: Two major experts who you certainly know say that these results are not at all groundbreaking. Even so, the increased public awareness of such results is surely a good thing.

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